Lake Cleanup


Something to
think about!

Our Goal

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Lake cleanups

Our Goal

Lake cleanups is solely owned and founded by Lee and Denise Stevens and our two children, Mathew and Dillon.

Our goal here at Adopt a Shore is to bring together those that are concerned about our lakes. We have had many Lake clean ups over the years and find that it is difficult to get the job done. We feel this program will help to maintain a consistent effort on all those concerned to help keep our lakes clean.

We care about our lakes and are doing the Adopt A Shore program from the heart, out of our own budget and time. We find that some of our lakes are in distress due to the amount of trash that has accumulated over the years.

We are individuals whom not only benefit from our lakes both in pleasure and business, but also care very strongly about the future and well being of our lakes. We try to maintain an active effort to achieve this goal.

We spend a great deal of time and effort to put back into the lakes what the lakes give to us.

We invite you to help us achieve our goal!!

Adopt A Shore is non for profit!!!

Please help keep Our Lakes clean!

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