With the support of the Tennessee Valley Authority we are moving forward with The Adopt a Shore Line program. This project will be piloted on Norris Lake and with its success will expand to other TVA Lakes.
The Adopt a Shore line program is to benefit our lakes and bring recognition to the businesses, individuals and associations who help to keep our Tennessee Lakes clean.
There is no cost involved to participate in the Adopt A Shore program.
The water quality and natural preservation is very important to our future generations, wildlife, and over all well being.

The TVA has granted Adoptashore.com permission to place a metal sign recognizing the business, individual or association that has volunteered to maintain a designated shoreline two times a year (fall/spring) at the shoreline that they have adopted.
We will also supply gloves, trash bags, and designated trash pickup during the clean ups.
On acceptance of written agreement to adopt a shoreline we will place a sign in the designated area that you have adopted. The sign will contain
two lines, of which will contain your information, ex: your name, business, or association name and your web address if applicable.